Wasp Certification


To have innovative approaches that lead to the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, opportunities for growth with added value for the vineyard, and promoting the protection of the environment (water quality, air and soil, biodiversity conservation).

Cover crop
In recent decades, intensive use of herbicides has led to degradation of soils with negative impacts on both human health and the environment.
Conservation of habitats and Natura 2000 areas or similar
It is well known that agriculture can play a key role in maintaining and promoting biodiversity, as well as potentially benefiting from the existence of such biodiversity.
Alternative Energies
Promotion in the use of photovoltaics and solar thermal
According to the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG), Portugal produced twice the amount of photovoltaic energy in 2019 than it had produced 5 years ago.
Communication with "neighbours" and relations with the local community
Communication with neighbours and the local community is an important step to promote understanding of the operations of our members and the Alentejo wine industry as a whole.
Composting and Circular Economy
Circular Economy is a strategic concept based on the reduction, reuse, recovery and recycling of materials and energy.
Awareness of the potential effects of "neighborhood" and local community issues
It is important to understand the types of issues related to our members' vineyards and/ or cellars that are most relevant to neighbours and the community.
Essential Conditions for Good Composting
Airing, humidity, temperature, initial organic matter, composting location
Ecosystem Services
Benefits that people and economies derive from ecosystems are sometimes called "environmental services" or "ecological services".
Contributions / Relations to / with local community and other organisations
Philanthropic activities and potential beneficiaries of philanthropic activities.
Cover the pile with (straws, earth, porous materials, perforated plastic ...) to prevent rain penetration (percolation), heat dissipation and moisture loss (desiccation)